WS10: London – 6 Mar 2015
Where: Visual Communication, Royal College of Art, London
When: 20.02.2015
Participants: 12
Contributions by: Valeria Graziano, Constance Laisné/AltGen, Franek Wardynski, Yifan Zhang
Contribution by Franek Wardynski
Contribution by Constance Laisné from AltGen
During the discussions of the presentations, the following points of importance emerged:
• gaining a sense of security from knowing that you have skills that allow you to make a basic living, while combining this with a bigger plan
• starting your practice now and not putting it off until you find financial stability or the ideal situation; rather find ways to incorporate your situation into your practice
• challenging and expanding more conventional briefs and trying to build longer term collaborations with clients
• spending time on developing work that is experimental
• keeping conversation, learning and support also amongst those not immediately “successful”
• continuing to foster non-productive moments
• creating communal structures that gather people around a subject
• maintaining relations with people working in different disciplines
• keeping the bigger goal in sight
• creating a way to navigate with your moral/value compass without sacrificing yourself
• creating solidarity with other sectors and groups
• creating a position from which to be able to say “no”
Questions raised and discussed during the two workshops (#9 & #10)
Discussion around documentation and dissemination
• What form of documentation and dissemination can galvanise students to create supportive structures for after graduation?
• What tactics and clues can provoke transformative conversations and actions?
• How to deal with the fact that on the spot people have many proposals for collaborations but then are too busy to make them reality?
• What prompts people to do stuff? To commit?
• Could we also gather students from other institutions in London given that we are all dealing with the same systemic issues?
• Why is it so difficult to create structures of mutual support that allow to break with the perpetuation of precarious working conditions?