Reading group: Take Back The Economy

October 1, 2015
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We are starting a reading group around the book Take back the economy – an ethical guide to transforming our communities by J.K. Gibson-Graham, Stephen Healy and Jenny Cameron.

We will use the book to stimulate discussions about our socially and politically engaged design practices and the various economies that accompany them. This means that although it will be important to read the texts, it is even more important to draw on our own knowledge that we gained through practice.

The reading group will take place once a month and last for about 1.5hrs. Physically it will be based in Leeds and Nomi, but we will also always have a skype connection for people in other places to join.

The first session will be on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 at 17:00 (UK time). Please read the introduction for this first session, so we can decide together what direction to take and what makes us most curious.

The book is made up of an intro, 6 chapters and a conclusion, so if we meet once a month, this will keep us going for eight months and hopefully contribute to transform some of our economies!

If you want to join the reading group, please drop us a line: bravenewalps (at) gmail (dot) com.

If you want to follow the discussions on Twitter: #precaritypilot #communityeconomies
